After years of martial arts: (karate, savate, kickboxing and becoming schweizerische meisterin in kung-fu) I found my real challenge in english boxing.
I set up my own boxing school and personal training in Amsterdam called "Leanmachine". I made lots of people feeling strong and happy with my challenging trainings.
After trying a bikram yoga lesson with my fellow box trainers, at Forty degrees, I fell in love with hot yoga. There was something missing in the regular box trainings: that perfect balance between body and mind. Diving deeper into yoga and trying several styles, I joined bikram, vinyasa, Pilates and yin teacher trainings.
Iām one of the two founders of &yoga in Amsterdam, a yoga school which combined hot yoga and traditional yoga under one roof. When corona hit the world &Yoga could not survive anymore and had to be sold.
I started to deepen my practice with intensive Breathwork trainings and I started to develop my vision on cold therapy.
Then I found my true love: the combination of hot power yoga, cold therapy and breathwork and this was all melting down to this one and only safe space: Melt Mind & Life.
With Melt Mind & Life there is a platform where everything comes together: hot yoga, breathwork, cold therapy and gathering together. Being open minded and curious, discussing or meditating in a small group to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world.
Hope to meet u soon!